Monday, August 25, 2014

What You're Doing Wrong with Your Direct Sales Business


This is a word that people are familiar with, but don't actually always know what it looks like. This is especially true of people who are in direct sales. The definition of spam is irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients or a canned meat product made mostly of ham.

First of all if it's mostly ham then what is the rest of it? I looked it up, it's chopped pork shoulder, ham meat, potato starch, sugar, salt, and water. Now you know and we can move on.

So here is what spam looks like to most people.

Hi I need you to click this link please (link) from a person who doesn't know you from Adam and might not even be acquainted with you on social media.

In reality that is spam, but so is this.

Hey, thanks for the friend request. I see you are in company A, my company is  awesome too, I want you to join my team. Here's the link for you to check out.

This is spam whether you know the person or not, but especially when you have just either added them or they added you. NO! Just don't do that. People don't want to be sold after becoming your friend.

Talk to them about what they do, find out their interests. Say hi for crying out loud before you throw your business on them.

If you focus on relationships instead of trying to sell someone then you will come out ahead. The more friends and contacts you make, the more likely someone is to join your business or purchase from you.

<3 DSP

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